Willpower is a moot point when it comes to diet. Many believe that the success of a dieter is determined solely by his willpower. They even claim that one of the main causes of obesity is a lack of willpower. Others are convinced that willpower is beyond control.
To refer only to willpower is an outdated approach. He questions other important factors that influence weight loss. This is, in particular, the interaction between hunger hormones, brain chemicals, genetics and the influence of habits.
However, the mentality affects the ability to lose weight. It is directly related to the extent to which we can change our eating habits. If you properly manage your willpower, you can prepare the foundation for successful weight loss. The main thing is to change the way of thinking, because willpower is not the best assistant in the fight against hunger and the temptation to eat. This powerful force is best directed towards improving your eating habits.
Physical foundations of willpower
The physical basis of willpower, that is, certain mental and physical processes, gives us an idea of how to best use willpower to reduce weight. Scientists believe that the prefrontal cortex (a section of the cerebral cortex) helps people determine priority goals, control emotions and for some time muffle desires and needs, that is, they are responsible for self-control.
Willpower as a function of brain activity is fueled by glucose in the blood (carbohydrates). Constant self-monitoring depletes blood glucose. At its low level, attempts to control oneself are less effective and often fail. Studies confirm that restoring glucose to appropriate levels usually improves self-control.
But, replenishing glucose, it is important not to fall into the trap. For example, sweet sparkling water will have the opposite effect.
Willpower is depleted during the diet, and a very strict diet that requires a lot of willpower leads to even more stress. Constant resistance to your desire to eat a certain product or a certain amount of food increases the level of cortisol, a stress hormone. Chronically elevated cortisol levels are the cause of increased appetite and weight gain.
That is why a strict diet is often unsuccessful. The more we need to rely on willpower during the diet, the more likely it is that we will fail. If in the short term, willpower can help, then after a long time, everything collapses. As a rule, people return to old habits because the measures they have chosen are ineffective.
Willpower and Decisions
For every decision we make, willpower is needed. A large number of decisions during the day leads to psychological fatigue. Even a rational person begins to act impulsively, instead of making informed choices.
Therefore, when you have to make many decisions, you are hungry. And a person acts impulsively. If you eat mainly outside the home, then most likely you are choosing far from the best food options.
How to use willpower rationally
Direct anabole steroide kaufen deutschland willpower, which is not unlimited, to plan and create a driving force. You can not lose a lot of weight in a week. Better start buying healthy food and cooking healthy meals. Get rid of junk food in the house. Over time, this will become a habit. When there is no need to make decisions and volitional efforts, success comes with less stress. Then you can take another step, requiring a higher level of willpower.
To put the plan into action, create the right environment. Direct your willpower to change your habits. Do you eat in front of the TV every night? Did you get rid of junk food and buy fruits and vegetables? Do you cook in advance and take lunch with you to work? Use the following plan and start changing your habits.
Make a six-step action list that you think will make you healthier. Then arrange them in order, starting with what is easiest to change, and ending with the most difficult.
For instance:
- Do not eat in front of the TV (3 weeks)
- Eliminate calorie-rich drinks. Give preference to water, tea, etc. (3 weeks)
- Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day (3 weeks)
- Completely eliminate semi-finished products (3 weeks)
- Limit alcohol consumption (3 weeks)
- Prepare food for the week (3 weeks)
The idea is to start from the first point and stick to it for three weeks, directing all the willpower exclusively to achieve this goal. Next, move on to the next goal, etc. Remember that small changes produce great results.
Get started
Such a slow addiction to change is the least stressful way. In a couple of months you will acquire several healthy habits.
Keep in mind that there will be temptations. Sometimes the willpower may not be enough, but this is not a weakness of character, but a natural tendency to satisfy one’s desires with abstinence. If you feel that you are overly limiting yourself, you are likely to rely too much on willpower. Instead, rethink your habits and create a new, more successful plan.